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ეკა ჩიკვაიძე
ნანა მრევლიშვილი


Synergy (Etymology Greek: syn "with" + érgon "creation": "co-operation"): Co-operation resulting from common efforts. In the writings of the Holy Fathers, this term reveals the proximity of the union of man and God through the Holy Spirit in Jesus Christ. The term in the Klarjian Miscellany is thus used: "If we meet the will of his will (of God), I shall keep on with him". This is the relationship that has been achieved in co-operation with the Lord. This special grace and ability to hear God and continue life with the steps of the Lord's will is what distinguishes saint people from the ordinary mortals. The Orthodox teaching implies that during the synergy with God the work becomes blessed. In this process, people are intimately and intentionally intended to save the world, the human race, and their own personality and act with God. In other words, it is the harmonious co-operation of God's grace and human’s free will, as Paul the Apostle appoints to be declared to everyone and to be made "... the reconstruction of the secret, since eternity hidden in God, the one who created all things by the hands of Christ” (Eph 3: 9). 

გამოქვეყნებული: Feb 6, 2023

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